About Us

Eboni started her natural hair journey in 2017 shortly after
her discovery of pregnancy. What started out as wanting to protect her child from anything that could bring her harm soon change to a journey of
self-discovery. The start of something new in her life. Not able to find products that worked for her hair, she found out through research and many
internet searches that it would be easier and more beneficial to make her own products. It was around this point that her journey of self-discovery turned
into a journey of self-acceptance. She went on this path not just to find what would work for her hair but to find what would work for her. With a daughter in tow, she wanted to set an example. She wanted her daughter to love her hair and to wear it as a crown. To see her hair as beautiful and perfect. Not too long after, her hair began to thrive and flourish from the products she made
herself. She received numerous compliments and questions about what she was using.  In 2023, Eboni officially founded
Good Hair is Healthy Hair (GH3). She aspires to share her experiences with others who feel the same way she did when it came to hair.